This is just another quick post on a painting project that I did a while ago and is probably one of my favorites so far.
Tote bags and drawstring bags are the greatest – especially if they have cute designs on them. I have tons of bags with creative designs on them from a bunch of different places: art fairs, craft shows, and other events. Still, I can never get enough of the cute and handy bags.
A while ago, on one of my MANY trips to the craft store, I grabbed a plain canvas drawstring bag. It was just calling my name to paint it. At first, the bag was kind of sitting there. Then one day, I decided that I was finally going to give it a bit of life; a splash of color.
I texted my friends, planned a painting day, and was so excited to be painting again, especially with the two friends that I hoped to become better friends with, still trying to make new friends during my eighth grade year. Painting day finally came, and I grabbed my bag, paint, and went over to my friend’s house.

We all started with a unique blank canvas – shoes, water bottle, and bag. Soon there were paint bottles and wet brushes everywhere, paint splattered paper plates, and it was so much fun.
After that day, I brought that bag everywhere. I am always in need of a cute bag to go places, and I am super happy with how the bag turned out.
Even though this painting project was months ago, I am still using the bag, and I hope that I get back into painting with my friends again! I have another canvas bag sitting in my drawer that is just waiting for me to paint.
Painting is a blast, especially with friends, and I would do it anyday.